
Greenhouse 2024-2025

Signup Instructions

Maplewood Township residents have the unique opportunity to utilize a public greenhouse space for overwintering their plants.  The Rahner Greenhouse was donated to the Township by the Maplewood Garden Club in 1974 and they continue to manage it.  All rental fees go to the Township to help offset utilities and maintenance. There are 160 bench spaces available, each being approximately 9sq. feet with the same in area underneath and 3sq. feet on a shelf above. Greenhouse spaces are available to Maplewood residents only, and only one (1) space is permitted for each household during the September offering. If spaces are still available after October 1st, any current season renters may apply for additional bench spaces until all the bench spaces are rented.

Applications for rental space in the Rahner Greenhouse will be received in the Maplewood Municipal Building meeting hall at 9AM on Thursday September 5th.  The application forms must be signed by the applicant and accompanied by the seasonal rental fee of $30, either a check made out to ‘Township of Maplewood’, or cash will be accepted. Spaces are allotted on a first come first served basis.

To make the sign-in sheet available over a longer time period, the sign-in sheet will now be available at the Municipal Building in the Town Clerk’s office from 9:00am until 6:00pm on September 5th.   Each person in line may enter only one name on the sign-in sheet. If you are also signing-in for another resident that is unable to attend the sign-up (neighbors, friends, family members), you may go back to the end of the line and sign-in for that person. One person, one name on the sign-in sheet.  If there is no one in line behind you, you may sign-in for others on consecutive lines. Once you have signed in, there is no need to remain at the Town Hall, but you must return at 6:00PM with your application and payment, to be assigned your space.

The allocation of spaces will start at 6:00PM and is usually finished by 7:00. Benches will be distributed in the order in which applicants have signed in. Residents unable to sign in earlier may come any time between 6:00 & 7:00 and still get a bench. Please be prepared to complete the application and submit the fee. We usually assign around 100 of the 160 benches at this event.

Don’t panic, if you can’t make it to the sign-up, there will be plenty of good benches available for rent at the Division of Public Works located at 359 Boyden Avenue beginning at 12:00PM Monday September 9th. Typically, all the benches are sold out by the end of the first week in October.

This year the greenhouse season will be from Saturday, October 5th, 2024, through May 26th, 2025, Memorial Day Weekend.

Greenhouse hours are:

  • Monday           10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday          11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Thursday         10:00 AM to 8:00 PM
  • Saturday            9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Sunday            10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

You can get a copy of the Greenhouse Application Form here.

Questions? Contact Bill Kohlman.