Design Exhibit Rules
Design Exhibits/Artistic Division
Challenge Class is open only to those members who have won the Jean Evans Artistic Bowl Trophy at least once and have completed the intermediate class requirements of 16 points.
Intermediate Class is for those members who have successfully completed the Novice Class requirements. To move from Intermediate to Challenge, it is necessary to earn at least 16 points during the current year in this class and have won the Jean Evans Artistic Bowl Trophy at least once.
Novice Class is open to members who have not entered in previous club years, or who have not yet successfully completed the Novice Class requirements in past years. To move up to Intermediate, it is necessary to earn at least 12 points and a single blue ribbon in the current club year.
Open Class is for all members. Each may submit one entry per person that suits their creative imagination in floral design, not related to the evening’s design theme. Points do not accrue to any other class or award.
Artistic Division Rules—Standard Flower Show requirements
- No artificial plant material may be used in any class at anytime.
- Stands and accessories may be used in any class for interpretation.
- Backdrops may be used in any class.
- Fresh plant material should predominate unless otherwise specified.
- Check each month’s entry description for special requirements.
- Exhibitors may have only one entry in the class for which they are qualified.
- Plant material used in the design should be correctly listed on the entry card, with genus, species, cultivar and common name. Example: genus species (underlined or in italics), cultivar/variety (common name.) Please look these names up ahead of time.
All MGC members are encouraged to bring exhibits,
and there are no exhibitor classification levels. There are, however, special horticulture division rules about dealing with specimens as follows:
Horticulture Division Rules
- Exhibitor must have grown all specimens.
a: All plant material must be fresh
b. Container-grown plants must be in exhibitor’s possession for at least 90 days, except for multiple and combination plantings, which should have been possessed for six weeks. - All specimens should be correctly labeled with genus, species, cultivar, and common name on an entry card. Example: genus species (underlined or in italics), cultivar/variety (common name). Please look these names up ahead of time.
- Exhibitor may make more than one entry per class if each entry is a different variety, cultivar, type, or color (e.g., Early Boy, Beefsteak and Roma tomatoes can be entered separately by one exhibitor).
- Cut specimens should not have any foliage below the water line.
- Double-potting (placing pot with drainage hole inside another, such as a jardinière, is permitted unless prohibited by the schedule.
- Spent leaves and flowers should be removed, as well as stems, flowers, and leaves with insect damage or discoloration.
- Containers must be clean and in scale with the size of the plant. Exception is with orchids, to be repotted only when necessary. Roots over the side are ignored as long as the pot is clean.
- Treating with a leaf-enhancing substance is prohibited.
Collection Division
- A collection must consist of at least 5 different cut specimens, or 5 different container-grown plants, or collections of fruits, vegetables, or nuts.
- All cut specimens or container-grown plants in a collection must be of equal award quality for the exhibit to receive a ribbon.
a. Each specimen is judged individually first, then the exhibit is judged as a whole.
b. More credit is allowed for an unusual collection. - Fresh plant material may be:
a. One family, e.g., Orchidaceae. Rosaceae.
b. Plants with like characteristics, e.g., ferns.
c. Different varieties of one type.
d. Several types within a genus or species.
e. Five different cut annuals, biennials or perennials. - Cut specimens must be in separate containers.
- Fruits/vegetables/nuts must be displayed on plates.
- Container-grown plants must be in separate containers, which may be of different sizes or types but must look well together so that the display has continuity.
- Uniformity of plant material is important.
a. If all specimens are the same type, e.g., five bearded iris, there should be uniformity of size, stem length, and number of open florets.
b. When growth habits vary widely, e.g., fragrant geraniums, mature sizes and growth habits would make uniformity impossible, but the plants chosen should be mature plants of compatible size.
c. Five succulents in matching clay containers make a uniform exhibit.
Point System for Artistic and Horticulture Awards
BLUE (1st award): 4 points
RED (2nd award): 3 points
YELLOW (3rd award): 2 points
WHITE (honorable mention): 1 point