Philly Flower Show
Philadelphia Flower Show’s theme, “United by Flowers,” pays tribute to the sense of community and social connections inspired by the role gardens play in our everyday lives. Join us in celebrating the wonder of gardens in the MGC’s visit to the PFS on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.
We will meet at 9:30 am at the Maplewood Pool parking lot, 187 Boyden Avenue. A luxury coach, which has a bathroom and WiFi, will depart promptly at 10 am and will return us to the same location around 7 pm. Transportation, entry to the Show, and light refreshments (to be provided on the bus) are all included for $60 for MGC members and $85 for non-members.
So call your friends to join us on this exciting adventure to escape the winter doldrums. Information about the show can be found on the PFS website. Please contact me so I can get a headcount at The official deadline for receipt of payment is February 19 – no wiggle room! Make your check payable to the Maplewood Garden Club and mail to Gary Bierman, 14 Highland Place, Apt. J, Maplewood, NJ, 07040. Be sure to include your phone number on the front of the check.
Reservations are first come, first served, and limited to 45 people. In addition, there will be a sign-up sheet at the upcoming general meeting.