October Club Meeting

Event Details

October 2024

Monday, October 7, at 7:30 PM

Subject: Great Gardens of the Garden State
Speaker: Michael Gross


Join us on a virtual tour of the almost 30 New Jersey public gardens that are members of the Garden State Gardens Consortium. You will learn the history and unique characteristics of each garden. Discover more about your favorites and those you have yet to visit! 

Michael has a bachelor’s degree in biology and accounting from Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania, and a Ph.D. in Marine Studies from the University of Delaware. He has been Director of the Sister Mary Grace Burns Arboretum of Georgian Court University 22 since 2001 and worked at Georgian Court as a biology professor since 1992.

Artistic Design Exhibits

Theme: Berried Branches

Challenge: American Traditional Line Design in a Zigzag Pattern, see Handbook, p.71.

Intermediate: American Traditional Line Design in a Horizontal Line Pattern, see Handbook, p.71.

Novice: American Traditional Line Design in a Vertical Line Pattern, see Handbook, p.71.

Open: Designer’s choice (one entry per member).

Artistic Design Exhibits – Please read “Artistic Design Rules” beginning on page 13 of the MGC Yearbook as well as the 2017 revised edition of the Handbook for Flower Shows.

Horticultural Exhibits – Please read “Horticulture Division Rules” beginning on page 14 of the MGC Yearbook as well as the 2017 revised edition of the Handbook for Flower Shows.

1. Dahlia, 1 cut specimen
2. Fruit or Vegetable (maximum 3 varieties per member
3. Coleus
4. Open (maximum 2 entries per member)