Maplewood Garden Club at 97 Years and Still Going Strong!
Since 1927, the Maplewood Garden Club has been a hands-on garden club, open to the people of Maplewood, NJ and the surrounding communities. Meetings are held September through May at The Woodland in Maplewood at 7:30 p.m. and are open to the public.
2024-25 MGC Season
Our 2024-25 Garden Club year kicks off on September 9th. We have some great speakers this year, a new Design Exhibit theme, more trips in the planning stage and our usual club events. We are very excitedly looking forward to this season. We hope you are too and hope to see you at September’s meeting.
Februry Club Meeting
Monday, February 3, at 7:30 PM
Subject: Pruning for Gardeners
Speaker: Nisha Khanna
This talk will focus on basic pruning techniques for common types of plants found in New Jersey home gardens. Pruning for health and aesthetics will be discussed. While all types of plants like herbaceous perennials and annuals will be touched upon, the focus is woody plants (trees, shrubs and vines) and questions on pruning hydrangeas and clematis will also be answered. Many woody plants should be pruned in late winter – so get those loppers out and sharpen them because you’ll want to run out to your garden to practice what you learn here.
Nisha (Growing Gardens) is a certified landscape designer and consultant, as well as an estate manager working primarily in New Jersey. She has been managing a 30-acre private estate with extensive vegetable gardens, orchards and ornamental beds for 10 years. She gardens and consults exclusively in organic methods, and specializes in sustainable gardening, including native plants, water conservation and wildlife gardens. Her home garden is a National Wildlife Federation certified wildlife habitat.
See the February Club Meeting Event entry for more details.

THEME: Flowers by the Month: Flowers, Buds and Beyond
Each month a different flower or branch, chosen for its availability in local gardens and stores, was selected to be incorporated in the designated floral designs. The flower or branch chosen per month may elicit fond memories associated with each, such as, big chrysanthemums in November for football games, or red roses in February to express our fondness for others. Designers will draw upon their visions of what each flower or branch signifies to them and incorporate them into the scheduled design type for their skill level.
February’s theme is Rosa (Rose)
Please see our Design Exhibits page for more details!

Last chance to show us your amaryllis growing skills for the February Special Amaryllis Exhibits. Bring in flowering plants from bulbs that you purchased from MGC and/or the flowering amaryllis plants from bulbs that you obtained elsewhere for a special exhibit.
The bulbs purchased from MGC will be judged separately from the ones that you purchased or received from another source, so you have two chances to score (one plant per exhibit).
Help brighten February by exhibiting your flowering amaryllis plants.

We would like to thank Vickie, Michelle, Diane, Jess, and Francine for the hours they gave us in early December doing coleus propagation.
We are shooting for about 600 final plants, and as of a month later, we think we will achieve our goal. There are always challenges with the project – too cold in the quonset, too hot in the quonset, too damp, not damp enough, MEALY BUGS, but we are ever grateful to those team members who help out.
Thanks again,
Liz Demkin & Jennifer Richardson